Størvik work trousers

Størvik work trousers
What does the company stand for? What do they have to offer you? In short, Størvik does the design and manufacturing of the work trousers and ensures that the clothes ends up in the places where it is sold. The company's core values are quality, comfort and sustainability. You can see this on various levels.
The most important quality is quality. Quality is guaranteed by developing the work trousers in collaboration with professionals, so that Størvik always knows what the workman needs to do the job. The same urge for quality is also visible in other parts of their business.
Comfort is guaranteed by the "confidence in textiles" guarantee. A quality mark that has been created to ensure that every item of clothing actually feels good on your body. You know what you get and the products are all tested so that they are as skin-friendly as possible.
Sustainability is guaranteed because every cooperation that Størvik enters into is thoroughly looked at to what extent the potential partner does business in a socially responsible manner. However, that is not the only thing, the factory in China also meets the BSCI standard (Business Social Compliance Initiative). In this way the working conditions are greatly improved throughout the entire process for the end product.
Product Range
Within the Størvik range you will find a wide variety of products. In this way there is what he or she needs for everyone. No wish remains unanswered. Everything from a sturdy parka to overalls for children can be found there. All made of the same high quality of course.
There is also a wide variety of finishes. For example, different colors and different models are available. So if the first copy is not entirely to your liking, then make sure to search further! There is a good chance that there are products that match what you want.
So why do you choose Størvik?
Størvik is a socially committed company with a clear focus on delivering a quality product. Nevertheless, that is not at the expense of an affordable price tag. Quality, comfort and sustainability will always be leading in the ins and outs of Størvik. Are you looking for new work clothes and can you agree with these standards? Then Størkvik workwear will not disappoint you!