Solid Gear
Solid Gear Cloud 2.0 S1
Solid Gear Cloud 2.0 S1

Tempest S1P - Solid Gear

One of the lightest safety shoes on the market. When you need high breathability, extreme lightness and maximum comfort, there can be only one. SOLID GEAR Cloud 2.0 follows the tremendous success of the Cloud 1.0, a shoe that has been on the market for over seven years, demonstrating that users around the world trust SOLID GEAR as the best manufacturer of lightweight and breathable safety footwear. Strong mesh upper along with a dual density EVA midsole and rubber outsole. ESD function according to BS EN 61340-4-3: 2002.

  • Lightweight dual density EVA midsole
  • Rubber outsole
  • Extremely light and breathable mesh upper
  • NANO safety nose


  • Top: Breathable mesh
  • Outsole: Oil resistant and non-slip rubber outsole
  • Midsole: Dual density EVA
  • Insole: Very breathable, moisture-wicking and antibacterial PU foam

Safety standard: EN ISO 20345: 2011 S1, SRC
Protection: NANO safety nose
Color: Black Orange White
SKU: SG80122

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Product description

Tempest S1P - Solid Gear

One of the lightest safety shoes on the market. When you need high breathability, extreme lightness and maximum comfort, there can be only one. SOLID GEAR Cloud 2.0 follows the tremendous success of the Cloud 1.0, a shoe that has been on the market for over seven years, demonstrating that users around the world trust SOLID GEAR as the best manufacturer of lightweight and breathable safety footwear. Strong mesh upper along with a dual density EVA midsole and rubber outsole. ESD function according to BS EN 61340-4-3: 2002.

  • Lightweight dual density EVA midsole
  • Rubber outsole
  • Extremely light and breathable mesh upper
  • NANO safety nose


  • Top: Breathable mesh
  • Outsole: Oil resistant and non-slip rubber outsole
  • Midsole: Dual density EVA
  • Insole: Very breathable, moisture-wicking and antibacterial PU foam

Safety standard: EN ISO 20345: 2011 S1, SRC
Protection: NANO safety nose
Color: Black Orange White
SKU: SG80122

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Newly developed lacing solution exclusive to Cloud 2.0 that envelops the entire upper and the result is a glove-like fit.

Fit: Normal
Sizes: 36-48

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Short specifications

SKU SG80122
Brand Solid Gear
Model shoe Low, Sneaker
Safety class S1
Color Black
Sexe Men, Women, Unisex
Land van fabricage Sweden